At the Petwood

Petwood 15228533473

Pic: Petwood Hotel

If you are in the Lincolnshire area on Sunday 15 May, the day before the 79th anniversary of the Dams Raid, you are welcome to attend a talk I will be giving at 3pm at the Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa. I will be speaking about the 133 men who flew on the RAF’s most famous Second World War bombing operation, telling some of their stories and dispelling some of the myths which have grown up in the years since. 

Petwood presentation 160522 FINAL.001

Tickets cost £5 and can be booked here.

Posts will be light …

… and probably non-existent over the next few days. The most seasonal interwebnet link I can find is this one, which shows figures who may well be officers from a Bomber Command squadron playing in the snow outside the Petwood Hotel, sometime during the war. No guarantee that anyone from 617 Squadron was involved!

Back in the New Year. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to all friends of this blog — Charles Foster.